Test Multidrogas en Orina (formato panel)

Global Partners® drug tests deliver results in as little as five minutes. They are designed to be used in laboratories, since their use requires sample handling.

The limit is 140 characters.

Los test de multidrogas Global Partners®, formato panel, entregan resultados confiables en tan solo 5 minutos. Están diseñados para ser usados en laboratorios, dado que, su uso requiere manipulación de la muestra.


  • These tests allow a rapid drug test to be performed on a urine sample
  • Las drogas a determinar son: Marihuana (THC), Cocaína (COC), Anfetamina (AMP), Opiáceos (OPI) y Benzodiacepinas (BZO).
  • Está diseñado para uso de laboratorio o para seguimiento a pacientes en un proceso de control de adicciones
  • The cut off points for each drug are aligned with those established by the SAMSHA of the USA, the EWDTS of Europe and are also the cut off points (cutoff) recommended in the exempt resolution 172 of the Ministry of Health - ISP


ISO 13485 Certification

EC Declaration of Conformity

Technical Insert
